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Vulvectomy - Aberrant Vaginal Gestation

  • Vulvectomy


    RELEASE DATE: APRIL 11th 2025

    Through every waking hour I travel the dark tunnels of the online world, feasting on the horrors to be uncovered, delving further into the darkness – damaging, desensitizing and warping myself beyond repair. And when my exhausted eyes finally close in sleep, a stronghold of nightmares opens its gates within the endless corridors of my mind…a thousand doors and behind each one a scenario of twisted torment; sadism, masochism, brutality without boundaries, unspeakable acts of degeneracy and deviance. Morality is meaningless in my eternal kingdom of corruption; there is only the act, the blood, the pain, the dismantling of the human form – body, mind and spirit.

    After twelve long, fear free years, the monstrous beast that is Vulvectomy has crawled forth from its lair in the Italian sewers once more. The ultimate manifestation of conscienceless, emotionless, slamming brutality is back, with another rancid harvest of putridity and filth for the sickest of souls. Any thoughts that Vulvectomy may have mellowed over time or discovered a shred of humanity within their collective, rotten heart should be abandoned immediately. Once the addictive riffs and incredibly intense drums have drawn you in to this cesspit of disgust there is not a moment of relief from the barbarity and madness. Each chord is delivered with sadistic intent and formidable force, punishing blows alternating with frenzied assaults. Tracks like first single, ‘Scrotal Abscess Drainage’ are just overwhelming barrages of rot and disease, brutal slam death distilled down to its fetid, sordid essence. The song titles are a litany of perversion, the music an avalanche of depraved violence. With slithering, wormlike horrors like ‘Greedy Fetal Discharge’ Vulvectomy have painted a portrait of a world beyond redemption. This album will disturb you, infect you, scar you and vomit over the last grains of hope you may have had for mankind.

    Mixed by Alessio Cattaneo (Corpsefucking Art, Hideous Divinity etc) and mastered by Stefano Morabito (Fleshgod Apocalypse, Vomit The Soul, Hour Of Penance etc) Aberrant Vaginal Gestation sounds as bludgeoning and gore-encrusted as it should, bestial beyond belief. And the cover art by Guang Yang (Beheaded, Nunslaughter, Infant Annihilator etc) is truly a repugnant and grotesque vision, spawned from night terrors and wickedness. There is not a trace of decency to found in any part of this vicious abomination of an album. When Comatose Music unleash the reborn Vulvectomy on April 11th there will be hell to pay…

    Genre: Brutal/Slam Death Metal
    For fans of: Devourment | Kraanium | Gorevent | Amputated

    Diego Fanelli - Vocals
    Giorgio Cavaliere - Bass
    Mario Di Giambattista - Guitar
    Marco Coghe- Drums


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  • Vulvectomy
  • Vulvectomy
  • Vulvectomy
  • Vulvectomy