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Chordoma - Chordoma

  • Chordoma


    RELEASE DATE: MARCH 7th 2025

    I lean over your bed and stare down into those frantic, desperate eyes that scream silently from the red chaos of your face; all those smooth planes and protruding features transformed – as if by magic – into a shattered topography of suppurating sinkholes, shards and splinters, tattered musculature and tiny remnants of skin. An endlessly fascinating dreamscape of wounds! Meanwhile your entrails coil and glisten like enchanted serpents and white bones stand out, tall and proud, hard towers against a pleasing backdrop of sanguine softness. I give you a reassuring smile, exercising my best bedside manner before moving on to the next patient. All is going well…

    A strike force formed by veterans of a thousand campaigns beyond the boundaries of morality and civilised society, members of Vituperate, Purulent Necrosis, Anal Stabwound and many more, Chordoma are here to deliver a horrifying assault of brutal death metal, a self-titled EP of merciless, scalding intensity. Beginning in a blinding blur of precision drumming and menacing, circling riffs, ‘Medically Induced Asphyxiation’ proceeds to land blow after jarring blow – shaking the brain and loosening the teeth – a no holds barred welcome to the carnage to come. ‘Innermost Intestinal Exposure’ will have worshippers of brutality in raptures as it erupts in deranged violence, delivering riffs like incisive stab wounds and touches of inventive cruelty that only the most accomplished practitioners of sonic devastation are capable. As this masterful display of the utmost extremity continues from track to track, instruments are wielded as implements of pain infliction and each element of the Chordoma sound moves with cold precision - locking, releasing, spinning, engaging, dissecting - a machine of insane design and perverse purpose…and within the claustrophobic onslaught, the surging waves of liquidised and putrefied bodies, moments of twisted genius gleam like baited hooks, drawing you back into the organised chaos of blood and agony time after time after time.

    Adorned in the cruel and visceral artwork of Wong Sinting Death (Apogean, Hysterectomy, Chainsaw Disgorgement etc) and mixed and mastered to gore-soaked perfection by Travis Cook (Human Excoriation, Vituperate) at Unique Sound Design, the Chordoma EP, featuring five tracks of supreme brutal death metal, will be unleashed by Comatose Music on March 7th. This titanic collection of meticulously sculpted sadism will set the standards for all pretenders to the throne of relentless, rapacious destruction that follow in its wake. Nothing has prepared you for this…

    Presale link: Comatose Music

    Genre: Brutal Death Metal
    For fans of: Cryptopsy | Suffocation | Unfathomable Ruination | Bludgeoned

    Justin D. - Vocals
    Blake S. – Guitars/Bass
    Nikhil T. - Drums


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  • Chordoma
  • Chordoma
  • Chordoma
  • Chordoma